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Artist Statement

林衍馨_小城酷暑的多肉植物 A Plant in Matera during S









At dawn, a slanting ray of sunshine peeps in, and a skinny cactus fights for survival in a place soggy with rain. In a room with a door and window never closed tight enough during winter, I lie under the down comforter, somewhat cold to the touch of my face. A red-orange sun slanted in through the wooden-brown window frames, recalling the beeping all night from a neighbor’s alarm long in need of repair. 


There are times when it is so intoxicating that you have forgotten how to tell joy from bitterness, like the Little Prince who can look at sunsets all the time from the tiny planet, just by moving his small chair. The nature has endured too much from us, and the sun always sinks too fast at dusk. We, who live on this too-big planet, have learned in time how to capture the moment, cherishing the experiences that come and go. 


Fragile as I usually am, I believe in the strength in me. How I wish someday to be buried and used up like seeds in the earth to nourish other lives, despite being someone who only knows how to paint. I retain the hope, with all my might, to sort everything out and dress every wound with care, before reaching out to others. Thus in the process of artistic creation, I would like to acknowledge, fix and repaint every imperfection, as if seeking to piece together all the inevitable blemishes in life and make it whole. 


I do my best to memorize every heartfelt joy – when drinking apple juice, when hearing beautiful tunes, when finishing dying a piece of mounted paper, when cooking my favorite pasta, when seeing a kid eating I-Mei soft serve, or when feeling energized after praying to God for energy in one particular afternoon. I make every effort to remember all the tastes of life, like Chihiro in Spirited Away who tries hard to remember her name. Though taken for granted, strength arises in the face of foibles; it is the sun, the cactus, the down comforter, the slanting sun, the window frames, and the long-lost star, found at last. 

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